Saturday, August 22, 2009

Back to School

So I just moved into my room at school for tennis preseason and my boyfriend, being the stand-up guy he is, drove down with me (since all my stuff didn't fit into one car....even though I have an SUV!) and helped me move in! He went to the same school I do (which is how we met) and he has created quite the reputation for himself here....and most people know who he is, staff included, which makes it easy for him to get stuff done. We got into my room and saw that I had the old furniture...ugh! Luckily, it took him all of 5 minutes to get someone to switch out all my furniture and get me the new stuff (love him). But when he asked the maintenance guy, he had to call someone else on the walkie-talkie to make sure it was OK first. While he was calling in we heard him say "uh yeah 316? I have a PARENT and a student here moving in with a question, can you meet us at 028?" HAHA! I mean he IS 4 1/2 years older than I am but....I didn't think he looked old enough to have a child in college.....and I didn't think I looked young enough for him to BE my parent....but I guess so. So after that we did not hold hands or kiss until the maintenance crew had left.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

little bit of an update

I am still in VT and don't have to be at school until Friday...and I am soaking up every last minute of freedom before the tennis matches, clinicals, and exams officially take over my life! Don't feel too bad though, I have basically been unemployed all summer and have been poolside (with a drink), lakeside(with a drink), or oceanside(with a drink) all freakin' summer!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


As I was just sitting here innocently blogging...sister #3 and her boyfriend came in to hangout and boyfriend #3 caught a spider in our family room...(ick).  It's such a boy thing to have to pick up bugs!  It's ALSO a boy thing to have to dangle it in front of his girlfriend's face and piss her off! But it was a daddy-long-leg and kinda small so whatever...and then he thought it would be equally as funny to do it to me too!  It wasn't.  I just turned away so I wouldn't see it and then I heard sister #3 scream and yell "OMG T!  PICK IT UP!" Uhhh I'm sorry?  PICK it up?  It isn't UP already!?  Where the hell is it!?  Ohhh that's right....currently crawling on my shirt!!!  And since I was sitting here innocently blogging and holding my laptop I couldn't exactly jump up and throw my macbook so I could fling it off me!  T eventually got it off me...but it was the longest 3 seconds of my life!

When they say the best way to get over a fear is to face it...I DON'T think they meant you should literally have it on your face.


Summer is almost over...

I have started organizing all my stuff for college...since I will be leaving lovely VT and heading *slightly* more south for the school year.  Tennis preseason starts in a couple weeks but the good thing about THIS year is that I will get to move my stuff into my actual room instead of having a temp room for the 2 1/2 weeks of training....who ever thought of THAT idea has clearly never moved anything into a dorm room...since no one who HAS would ever think doing it TWICE in one month would be acceptable.  However I will be living with my bff B next year which promises to be crazy, funny, and so much fun (you'll hear all about it).  We're living in the newest dorms with walk-in closests and with the amount of clothes the two of us have combined....those are much more a necessity than they are a luxury!  The rooms are still dorms which means they're pretty small...and our beds do not loft (that I know of)....any suggestions for using space??  Anything I definitely should buy?
