Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

Oh New England winter weather. We have a love/hate relationship, I love it, it hates me.
For example:
-Slipping on the ONLY patch of ice in the parking lot? Check.
-While people were watching? Check
-Getting your car stuck in the parking lot because the people who plow, plowed everywhere in that parking lot EXCEPT the row your car is in? Check.
-Having NO classes, OR work cancelled all day so you have to walk around campus against 25mph winds(no joke)? Check.
-Reading on facebook before all of this that your sisters have a RAIN DELAY in CT and get to go into work late as you layer up the Northface and Uggs? Check.

Ugh, well, on the bright side it IS starting to feel like December and there are only 16 more days before Christmas!



  1. :( sounds kinda like my day in the Twin Cities in MN :(


  2. Oh I'm sure! Love the cold weather but hate it at the same time!
