I like to think that every new year offers us the opportunity to be a better person and learn from the past year's experiences. Each and every day of every month for a whole year started over, blemish free of anything unworthy. I can't think of a better reason to improve oneself.
My plans for the 2010 K?
-Read more. Both for pleasure and academically (with the amount of money I spend on textbooks I may as well read them cover to cover right?)
-Run 5 miles every week. I think I can spare 40 minutes of 10,080 right?
-Blog at least once a week ;)
-Spend money ONLY on necessary things. My account balance for 2009...was not at all impressive.
-Be more tolerant. This one is vague on purpose.
I'll keep you posted on how this goes.
the 2010 K