Sunday, September 13, 2009

Together Again

This weekend the entire family was home! Everything was pretty typical, you know, happy hour, drinks...lots of drinks, shopping, home-cooked was pretty great. It's also my Dad's 50th tomorrow so we took advantage of the opportunity to come home when we were all able to on a non-holiday weekend, which is about as frequent as a blue moon these days. And since none of us have any money since we are all either in college, graduate programs, or still paying off student loans, we decided to write my Dad a poem about the four of us with him growing up in lieu of a gift. Of course he loved it, since writing poems has always been a T family tradition, I'm not quite sure why, my Nana (his mother) was a teacher and always loved English, so maybe that's where we get it. So instead of just giving him the poem we decided it would be a good idea to read it out loud to him, while our mother flip videoed us. Obviously we all cried trying to read it aloud and sister #3 couldn't even get through her verse and sister #2 had to finish for her! Next time we will know better than to apply mascara and eyeliner 5 minutes beforehand.
